Lecture Demonstrations
For Your Facility or Community Group
Nabila’s programs are designed to add life and color to your activities schedule. Each show combines both dance performance and background information about this fascinating art form and the many elements that go into it. Audience engagement is always a feature of the show, and many folks find themselves learning new things while taking a trip down memory lane.
Most of Nabila’s programs are about an hour long, and are designed to fit in with your activities budget.
Reasons to Consider a Lecture or Demonstration
- Nabila’s shows are designed to fit seamlessly into your schedule of activities. Adjusting show length is always possible.
- Each show brings audience members back to a different era, where a night on the town meant live entertainment, often with a floor show. Nabila brings that world back to them.
- It’s up close and personal … and FUN! A live performance by definition contains an element of interpersonal energy exchange that enlivens the day like few other activities.
- It’s something different! The music and dance Nabila brings in her shows isn’t seen or heard on American media, and yet many of your residents and guests may hail from other cultures; taking them “home” again for a little while can be a great gift.
- It can be a starting point around which to build a themed event or day, or to honor someone’s milestone birthday.
- It’s informative … the music, dance movements, costuming, and props all have a reason and a story. Audiences in other settings don’t usually get a chance to know what they’re seeing or why it’s done that way!
- Middle Eastern Dance is a living, breathing, relevant art form, with elements that are traditional and aspects that are modern. There is something for everyone.
- There is always a Q & A at the end of the show, and a chance to take photos. There is never a rush if folks want to hang out and talk.
Call or e-mail Nabila for rates and scheduling information and add this exciting show to your agenda today!
Book an Appointment