Who is Nabila?
A lifelong dancer, Nabila has been performing dance and theatre with her signature dynamic flair in the New York area for over 15 years. A graduate of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, she has extensive studies in several dance forms. She began studying Middle Eastern Dance with the legendary Serena Wilson and went on to study with Azza Amon, Ranya Renee, Anahid Sofian, Dalia Carella, and Elena Lentini, among others. Nabila enjoys ongoing study in classes and workshops.
Middle Eastern Dance Lectures and Demonstration
Give the gift of Middle Eastern Dance to your care facility, community group, or school with one of Nabila’s exciting lecture/demonstrations! Part dance and music, part informative lecture, these programs bring a rich cultural experience to your group. Audience participation that is accessible to all provides engagement and involvement, bringing the beneficial joy of music and dance to life for each and every person. It’s a night on the town, an elegant concert, and an exciting journey to a different time and place, all rolled into one program. Nabila’s shows are suitable for all ages and stages, and will be a topic of conversation for a long time after the show.
Designed to conveniently fit into your programming format, these presentations fit into an hour-long activity time frame, but different show lengths and formats can always be arranged to suit your needs. See what this innovative program has to offer!