Getting The Most Out Of Your Classes: Tip # 1
Remember that you’re not just paying for the teacher. You are also paying for the environment, such as the space, the mirrors, the time dedicated to your dancing and nothing else, the presence of other dancers to observe and learn from, the music and/or accompanist,...
Did you know?
....that Middle Eastern Dance is not just a women’s dance? In its native cultures, men, women, children, grandma, your uncle, why pretty much everyone dances! Middle Eastern Dance is, at its root, in its original form, a social dance—an activity done for enjoyment and...
Belly Dance in America … An Ongoing Journey
In my lecture-demonstrations, I often begin with an entrance in what we in the Middle Eastern Dance scene call the “American Cabaret” style, or AmCab. It’s a natural and logical place for me to start, as I am, culturally, North American, and it is the style that many...
Neuorplasticity and the App You Already Have
You’ve heard by now that dancing is one of the most ways to help prevent mental and physical decline, but perhaps you feel like you don’t know how. Are you intimidated by taking a dance class? (not just a belly dancing class, perhaps any dance class.) Are you afraid...
Why is BD a Good Choice for My Party?
If you're planning a gathering, whether it's a small house party or a large event in a swanky banquet hall, what sort of entertainment you're going to have has probably crossed your mind. Even if you're only having a couple of friends over for dinner, you still...